Why Israel is hellbent on killing even kids in Palestine?
Putting an end to the Supremacy of Jews by Islam and Muslim, Expulsion of Jews from their own land, Change in the direction of Common Qibla (the direction)of Jews & Muslims, Birth of a prophet in a race other than the Jews and Exposing the crimes of Jews by the Qura’n and declaring them the most hostile to humanity have been the Five major reasons of hatred of Jews towards Palestinians particularly and Muslims in general.
Why Israel is hellbent on killing even kids in Palestine?
Admittedly the Jews were/ are the only community to be called as “People without land”.
Without an iota of doubt, historically, it is the most persecuted community as well.
It was the only community that was expelled and exiled from their own inhabitance.
Undoubtedly the only community that was hated the most to a certain period of time was/is Jews.
It happens to be the Jews only that had to lead a nomadic life and they could not settle anywhere permanently and peacefully, and in this context solely we came across a term “Diaspora”. Which signifies dispersion of the Jews.
Despite suffering the most why the same community is imposing sufferings and bombing Palestinian kids, women, ailing people in hospitals and even hellbent on killing premature babies.
There might be/are numerous causes which brought about a huge gulf between Jews and Muslims, however, crucial are the ones figured out below:-
Five reasons of hatred of Jews towards Palestinians particularly and Muslims in general:
- Cessation of Supremacy of Jews
Jews strongly and truthfully insisted on their being, “learned and the people of book and knowledge”, as well as the followers of Dawu’d (David) , Sulaima’n, Yaqu’b (Jacob) and Ibrahi’m (Abraham), however the migration of Prophet Mohammed and his companions from Mecca to Madinah led to the debacle of Jew’s hegemony when, even, the people of Madinah accepted the leadership of Mohammed and began embracing Mohammed’s set of principles abandoning primitive way of life.
- Expulsion of Jews from their own land.
The affluent and influential tribes of Jews namely Banu Nadhir, Bani Quraiza and Bani Qainqah were inhabited in the environs of city of Madinah at the time of migration of Mohammed but all of them were expelled and the city of Madinah was declared to be an abode for Muslims only.
- Change in the direction of Common Qibla of Jews & Muslims
The truth is that even after the migration, Al-Quds has been a qibla, towards which Prophet and his companions turned their faces while performing Namaz, (an act of worship) for a period of 16-17 months.
However, after the commandment from God (Allah) Muslims were directed to turn their faces towards Mecca’s Kaaba abandoning Al-Quds in Jerusalem. Subsequently, the Jews were stripped off the prestige they used to hold owing to Al-Quds. It was not only a jolt to them, this change in the direction, added an insult to their injury.
The major reason of furiousness was, it was the last commonality after the advent of Islam that Jews were gratified about their supremacy but that too was a past now. Had Al Quds in Jerusalem been a place and point of facing it at the time of performing Namaz, the Jerusalem would not have been only as much crowded and flooded with the pilgrims as Mecca today, but it would have generated revenues in billions, so the deprivation of accumulation of wealth is one of the major causes of waging war against the Palestinians particularly and Muslims in general.
- Birth of a prophet in a race other than the Jews.
The perpetual belief of the Jews was that the descendance of the last prophet would be in the Jews only and according to them no race other than the Jews could have ever produced a person of such a stature to whom the God will choose as his messenger, however this notion of Jews razed to the ground when Mohammed was chosen as a prophet and no trace of his being a Jew was found.
Being the children of Jacob and of Abraham (Ya'qub and Ibrahim ), and the chosen people of God, Jews had firmly believed that they have exclusive privilege of being the leaders of humanity, and hence the prophethood could not be conferred on anyone who did not belong to their race.
For Jews it was again Muslims and Islam only that stripped them off a status and rank they enjoyed from a time immemorial.
- Exposing the crimes of Jews by the Qura’n and declaring them the most hostile to humanity.
What was concealed by the Jews and their religious leaders was disclosed by the Qura’n; Verses 21-22 Surah Imran(Chapter 3)…… Ruhul-Ma'ani while commenting on the verse reports a hadith from the Holy Prophet as narrated by Ibn Abi Hatim. He said that Bani Isra'il killed forty three prophets at a time and one hundred and seventy pious elders were also massacred when they stood up asking them to uphold justices. (Bayan al-Qur'an)
The hatred of Jews towards Muslims augments when a verse in The Quran, categorically makes a statement proclaiming Jews the most hostile to the believers, (verse 82 Surah Al-Maidah) is found by the Jews.
The incidents of deception of Jews have been reported by the historians. Amongst all the unforgettable and unforgivable crime committed by Jews was, that they even went to the extent of killing of prophet of Islam, though Mohammed managed to escape this conspiracy but for Jews this proved to be a last straw and consequently they were exiled from a city of their birth.
Hostility of Jews towards Muslims also increases at the sight of the verses of the Qura’n in which they have been portrayed as a race, constantly persecuted.
The veracity can be tested by the two verses of Surah A’ra’af (167 and 168) which have referred to the two punishments given to the Israelites. Firstly, “Allah will keep sending up to the Day of Doom, some individuals or groups of people who will punish and bring disgrace to them”.
The second punishment has been mentioned in verse 168. That is, “Jewish populace has been cut into fragments scattered in all the parts of the world” they could not integrate themselves into a solid nation".
The long-lasting war between Israel and Palestine is the repercussion of vilification of Jews by the Islam and The Quran as they conceive it and this war is certainly to restore the supremacy of Jews, to retain the nobility of a time prior to the prophethood of Mohammed, and ultimately to return to the land that they were expelled from, hence this war has far reaching consequences that the world has never seen before.